A few of us ended up going up to Killbear Park to do a little camping and fishing, it ended up being an awesome time, with super good weather for the most part. There was a bit of a thunder storm coming in saturday morning when we were already out on the boat (at 5am...), we were planning on just fishing for pike by this shoreline shelf, but after the first few casts i hooked into a lake trout (super shallow for them at this time) i get him close, he did some crazy head shifts, and spit out my Aglia-Long, we think its just a fluke and continue fishing, then i get 2 more lake trout biting, getting them close and again spitting out my lure. Zach and Blasman change up there lures to spoons, and we started trolling for them after that.
Josh with the first one, Perfect size for eating, and it was amazing over the camp fire Zach with the second guy landed, another great size for eating and after the very last troll, reeling in my line a little slow right before the storm came in, this monster hit. he was safely returned into the lake to fight another line.
Later on, Josh brought out Kyle, and Ezra and here's a video Josh made of all the fishing that weekend, Kyle ended up getting a nice one, and Josh got another one when i wasn't out on the boat,
going fishing tomorrow, hopefully ill have something to blog about,
Well, since the spring started we have been fishing alot but i haven't been posting anything, i'm sorry I'll start it off with one of the first times we went, and i remembered the camera,
Zach lifestyle
Cooper with the first pike of the day
Colin with little guy
Cooper with another
Zach with the biggest from the day, he's stoked, holding it nice and properly
He just spent some time over in South Africa for about a month, he was out there fishing and visiting an old friend but before he left he joined the 50"+ club for muskie fishing
heres the proof,
he caught this guy while he was alone, managed to bring it into his boat and get a photo of it, pretty mind blowing to say the least,
hes got alot of videos up from his South Africa trip, and he caught a few sharks, lots of shad and other random fish, check out the link to his blog on the right side of this page, or click HERE
sorry we havent been updating lately but been trying to snowboard a little bit, but right now we dont have very much snow for us to do so.
In our off season from fishing, we like to do a bit of snowboarding, and we recently put up our new video PeachHat Two you can check it out on our other site, PeachHat
Sorry the updates have been slowing down, but salmon runs have ended although trout are starting to go up stream i've heard, so im gonna have to get out some day soon and check it out for myself.
First up, Tanner with a salmon, hooked and landed, this was his 4th of the day but first one since i got there, he had 6 all day, know known as the salmon slayer.
Double Header, here's Me and Colin showing our prize fish of the day, my only catch, and 1 of the 3 Colin had.
Next up, Zach with this monster Chinook (taken with a myspace angle of the fish to make it look bigger) it took a little while for zach to pick up this guy, although it was the 2nd fish he ever touched, video to come soon.
Action shot of cooper, reeling in his chinook
Heres the ONE that didnt get away out of about 20 i think, but atleast hes smiling
And heres colin again with number 3 (no photo of 2), just as we were about to leave he hooked this guy up and landed him
I'm going fishing and surfing. hope i can get a photo of beebe, brody, or jon v surfing with me in the back catching something big in the ocean. I have no clue what will be in the waters. reef sharks? manta rays? who knows. this is what is about to come.